
A customizable typing test with a minimalist interface.

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Java coverage

A minimal typing test built with Java.

GIF of typing test




There are two ways to install this project and both ways requires Java JDK 11+. The easiest way to run this project is by using Method 1. Method 2 is recommended if you plan on making changes to the application.

Method 1

  1. Download the jar file from the latest Releases.
  2. Navigate to the directory where your jar is found.
  3. Run the jar file:
      java -jar tizc-0.jar

Method 2

🔴 Additional requirements: You must have Git and Maven installed.

Clone repository:

git clone git@github.com:creme332/tizc.git

Navigate to the root directory of the project:

cd tizc

Install dependencies:

mvn clean install

Run src/main/java/com/github/creme332/App.java in an IDE.

Useful commands

To create a jar file:

mvn clean compile assembly:single

To generate jacoco code coverage report:

mvn jacoco:prepare-agent test install jacoco:report


Click on the Play button and start typing when you are ready. As soon as you make a mistake, the cursor will stop, and you will have to type the correct letter.

🟢 Tip: When a mistake is made, there is no need to press Backspace.

🟢 Tip: Press Tab to restart/reset test at any time. The timer only starts when you start typing.

